travel thrills im excited! perhaps the thrill jumped at me when i realised im doing something i love to do. the anticipation of the fun we'd be having is exciting too. whenever i look at the pictures of the bright sun, the golden sand, the deep blue sea and the places we'd be staying in, my face shine with happiness! it's looking forward to the wonderful moments at the beach. it's the urge of wanting to get there as soon as i can.
here's what i mean... wow! never knew there's such beautiful places in this world...!
call me sua-ku, really wow!
~gracie left a note at 12:31 pm
Friday, October 27, 2006
mount faber experience if you want a romantic night, it will be up MF. i had a romantic night, but with the wrong guy! hahaha [oops Ivan! :P] thanks to this guy, i had much fun. we went up MF to check out the event venues for our upcoming corporate event.
i had been liaising with mr. marketing for awhile now and he's been trying to advertise the wonderful Faber Rocks venue. he's always going on and on about how beautiful the outdoor view overlooking Sentosa, cable cars and Harbourfront was, that it was the best location to hold an event blah blah blah. he suggested that i meet him up at Harbourfront so that he could drive me up the mountain to check it out. i didn't feel safe to go up that romantic, dark and secluded place with just a man whom i've not met. so i dragged Ivan along.
it turned out that we had much fun walking around Harbourfront trying to find the right exit to meet mr. marketing in his silver BMW. and yes, indeed the view up MF was splendid! it was really dark up there. i was joking with mr marketing that we wouldn't know if we were eating houseflies and mosquitoes! ha ;)
i shall not elaborate on the corporate aspect of the discussion up the mountain with mr. marketing. we ended off our night with a free cablecar ride back to Harbourfront- just Ivan and i. it was a nice, clear night. the haze wasn't that bad last night. Ivan confessed, "gracie, this is my first scared..." i jokingly responded, " sad! your first time with me!" well, we had a good time getting high on whatever. i couldn't remember what we talked about, but i did recall that there were some lame-ness in our conversations. it was fun up there!
planning a romantic date somewhere...? try Mount Faber. it's one of the nicest place to do a marriage proposal, i reckon! ha.
~gracie left a note at 1:58 pm
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Hype Up Concert 2006
it's been a long time. i remembered the very last occasion i stepped into Singapore Indoor Stadium, i was with my bestie for a rock concert. now that years have gone past us. she's now happily married with a newborn kid. im still havocing with my group of friends at this young, vibrant Hype Up Concert.
i must say i've grown old. gone were the days i would rush up to my idols to ask them for their signatures and to snap pictures with them. the word 'idol' is now another set of meaning. it used to be devoting my effort, money and time on buying their cds, chasing them from airports to concert halls and getting their signatures. now, it's sitting back and enjoying their music. a different kind of appreciation.
of all the Singapore Idols who performed last night, personally i was awed and totally impressed when Taufik started the first line of the famous hit : The Moon Symoblises My Heart (Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin). man! he's good. even though i have heard so many versions of this song, i still loved his rendition. especially when Orlinda joined him in the chorus with parts, it sounded as one. their hands were locked tightly. their eyes met as they sang those words to each other. it sounded so much like they were expressing their love to each other :)
of cos, even with sucha good concert like this, there are songs which are dubbed. i would feel pretty cheated if i had paid for the tics! [i got my tics free] even at a distance, i noticed that some of the idols [er-hemz...shan't mention names] lip-sung their solos. when the mic was indeed ON, they sang off-tune. *shocker* well, i have no right to comment here, since i'm not a professional singer. i totally took my hat off when Jasmine sang with the NUS Acapella Quartet -She's good man! and of course, Jon too!
the line that caught me was in Orlinda's speech: good things are worth waiting for! she apologised for the delay in coming out her new album with that. in real sense, she brought out a message that true love is worth waiting for. you don't just jump into wrong relationships and get out of it badly hurt. you'd rather wait for the RIGHT one who would come along after a long, long time.
maybe it's a long wait, but it's all worth it, isn't it? :)
~gracie left a note at 10:33 am
Monday, October 23, 2006
Vad to do...vad to do? What (Vad) to do at beach paradise?
a. Snorkelling b. Kayaking c. Rock Climbing d. Beach Hopping e. Trekking f. Boating/ Yatchting g. all of the above
isit difficult to make a choice? of course Not! final answer: G, all of the above
maybe this sounds pretty ambitious, but gracie wants to do them all! since she's going on a trip with the gunghos and adventurous, im sure she'd have fun!
~gracie left a note at 2:08 pm
Holidays...Holidays! we have approached the time of the year when everyone's planning their holidays. "it's the season to be jolly...falalalalalalaa.." ok, [out of point] tour agencies are using this special season to advertise their wonderful special offers and travel packages to places like Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong.
i sat together with Sean, Jeff and MJ as they planned their itinerary to Korea. aw, im sure they are going to have much fun! sigh~ i wished i could go with them. i dreamt that i wanted to go on that same trip with them. and yes, i do wana go! imagine the autumn leaves spreading across the pathways, the scenic lakeside views, the Palace tours and the famous Cheongpyeongho Lake where it's entirely surrounded by chestnut and poplar trees (Winter Sonata). aww, i so wana be there! envious man!
i have just booked my ticket. no, not to Korea. i've set my mind on this place for a long time. i've always wanted to explore this wonderful beach. it's another paradise to me - The Phi Phi Islands. i must admit that i'm a die-hard beach lover. i love sun bathing, i love to be called Ms Suntan. i just couldn't resist myself when i see the beeeeaauti-ful scenic photographs of the sun, sand and sea at The Phi Phi. to me, the best holiday is to relax right next to the crashing waves at shore. im looking forward to my paradise trip again. yes! again! snokelling, kayaking, river rafting, beach-ing & sunbathing yet again!
it's rare to find company who loves the sun as much as i do! yay! im excited now! check this out man!
~gracie left a note at 11:53 am
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Soccer Match: GAC VS MASDAC i wished i was back in aussieland. i wished i could enjoy the same amount of fun. the smiles, the joy, the fun revealed through the pictures are just awesome! i knew i still missed them, a lot! im pretty excited and am counting down the number of days till i see them end of the year! i wana catch up with all of ya man! it's so long since we ever sat down at Coffeebean or the sofa counch at Bay View.
i heard that you guys had a great soccer match over weekend! GAC Versus MASDAC! aww, i was a bit disappointed that MASDAC lost this round. nevermind, it's a friendly game anyway eh? it's just great to see friendship ties being knitted more closely and how i wished i was there! i may not be able to kick the soccerball, but i really don't mind being a pom-pom girl! ;) i heard that you guys had banners and cheerleaders!
hey guys, you know what? i missed ya all. stay cool and faithful in the Lord! i shall catch up with ya soon. [Pictures below extracted from Gateway Media Library]
~gracie left a note at 10:40 am
Monday, October 16, 2006
Who is a Singaporean? i got a chain of definitions from a forwarded email this morning. it's a funny reflection of Singaporeans seen through the eyes of the skeptics. in some ways, it's true. look at this one:
isn't this what we always do? ;) ha.
~gracie left a note at 11:49 am
Falling in Love gracie feels depressed today. she didn't catch much sleep through the night. no, it wasn't because she slept too much during the day. perhaps it was the phone call. she feels apologetic. she feels sorry. she feels uncertain.
is this falling in love all about? that you constantly put your heart and soul into thinking about him? isn't falling in love the sweetest thing of all? why does mutual affection for each other become so complicated? maybe gracie has been retreating in this entire thing. will she see light soon?
perhaps she's been confused lately. her feelings are all mixed-up. she wants to fall in love again, but she doesn't dare to. i don't think she's hanging on to her past anymore. she wants to break free from history. she wants to move on. she wants to fall in love with the guy who has recently come into her life. she longs to spend her time with this man who has become so precious in her life. yet, she fears that all good things will come to an end. maybe she's thinking too much. maybe it's just not meant to be. maybe gracie isn't good enough....maybe....
so many maybe-s. perhaps gracie wants to feel assured, but there isn't any certainty in anything in life. gracie feels troubled.
~gracie left a note at 10:17 am
Friday, October 13, 2006
The Dash
~gracie left a note at 11:35 pm
Random Thoughts, Random Shots work has been piling. amidst the stress and lethargy, i had the opportunity to sit by the veranda at campus this morning and enjoy the serenity. school's on holidays now, so everywhere looks quiet without life. it's in times like these that you pull out your camera and start snapping! i wanted to capture peacefulness. i wanted to remember silence.
i have never noticed these wonderful things at school until today as i picked up my camera and started snapping randomly. [all copyrights of the pictures belong to gracie]: Peacefulness: Greenary:
~gracie left a note at 2:01 pm
Thursday, October 12, 2006
In Conversation im still experiencing the mad rush of self esteem boost surging inside me. i just had the most interesting conversation with him. he's funny! just couldn't stop laughing. the metaphors he used are simply cranky and hilarious at times. he reminds me so much of cartoon animations.
i should call myself lucky! i'm the first one who broke his record!i had a good time - 3hours. It's been a long time since I have spoken to anyone for that long over the phone! phone marathons are crazy! boiling 'porridge' on the phone! ;) let alone international calls! [i'm worried for my phone bills now! hee..]
he kept saying "i'm really impressed!" it's been an emotional rendevous and exciting experience for both of us. perhaps you call it frisky? it's the culture, the language, the lifestyle which linked us together. more importantly, our life experiences have chained us up in tangled chords of affinity. this is just the beginning...i'm awaiting for the coming days and months and years...!
if this is God's will, let His will be done.
~gracie left a note at 12:30 am
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Who is gracie? gracie is confused. perhaps she's too concerned about how others view her. she begin to doubt who she is. is she really that intelligent as Matt views her? or is she that lousy and unattractive like how others may think of her? maybe she just doesn't have the X factor that gives her the identity.
perhaps there are just too many guys popping up in front of gracie lately. some are superbly interested in getting to know her and persistently flaunt their goodness in front of her. there are some others who are simply ignorant of her existence. in the midst of the struggle, she tries very hard to balance up her emotional see-saw.
maybe what's most important is, how does she view herself? should she serve her own self esteem on the food platter? No - she should just be contented and happy that God has created her this manner. perhaps not so perfect, just so that others could appreciate her in the most real manner.
~gracie left a note at 12:43 am
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Local Films on International Stage i got excited when i saw the Channel News Asia's headlines today: 2 Local Films Selected at Pusan Film Festival. Royston Tan's "4:30" and Kelvin Tong's "Love Story" will be featured! the section at PFF will showcase 39 films from 14 countries and highlight the diverse styles and subjects of the works of both established Asian masters and young directors. how cool! wow!
i'm happy because singapore is increasingly producing design and artsy talents. perhaps i haven't been aware of it previously. however, with the Singapore Biennale 2006 and the Arts Fes and the WOMAD lately, i just feel spiritually soaked in art. i may have fallen in love with my job. or maybe i have fallen deeply in love with art. but it makes me feel simply 'wow' to learn that local art & design works are increasingly recognised and shown at Asian & International stage.
for Mr Filmmaker, it's passion that drives him to international stage. go go go...i'm sure he will make it big one day, just like his Seniors & predecessors.
~gracie left a note at 1:35 pm
Monday, October 09, 2006
Are you a loser? i sat through a whole morning of meeting. by the time i walked out of it, i was bit zombie-fied. my phone's time read 12.30pm. what?! i was in there for 3.5 hours. perhaps the only reason why i was extra tired was maybe because i didn't have breakfast this morning. i was disgustingly zonked-out.
the only thing i got out of the entire motivative session was that part where my Director emphasized on: do you wana be a winner or a loser? when he did the loser bit, he placed his L-shaped fingers on his forehead. i remembered the winner - he placed both hands with 2 Ls, forming the shape of the W.
to me, a loser is really someone who's afraid to lose "kiasu"; he's unwilling to meet his problems face 2 face. he prefers to hide at one secret corner and sulk about it. he whines over it. he drinks himself drunk just so that the worries and anxieties of the world will leave him temporarily. he clings onto his girlfriend even though he doesn't love her anymore. his only reason for keeping her: he's afraid of loneliness. he complaints about everything and doesn't seem to see what's the problem. childish.
to be a winner is not to be a loser. duh? but it's terribly challenging to face up to everything else and stand firm on integrity, personal values and determination. there's a price to pay, but with great rewards too!
do you wanna win? really?
~gracie left a note at 9:49 pm
my first time it's my first time. he took the initiative. and i'm glad we did. despite the different backgrounds, i feel that our past have linked us up together. there's somehow affinity between us. surprisingly magical and amazing!
i've enjoyed our chats thus far. perhaps because we have had similar experiences, we kinda understood every single fear, trauma, emotions, uncertainties and insecurities that surged our souls. perhaps no one wants to be lonely. everyone's looking out for the perfect fit. and maybe i've found it.
not sure if this is the one for me. we shall see.
~gracie left a note at 4:19 pm
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Vivocity if not for KK, i wouldn't have gone. i have been trying to avoid Harbourfront for awhile now. i uttered a lame excuse: it's the opening day of Vivo City and it will sure be jam packed. the next min i knew, im on my journey through memory lane. he drove past Telok Blangah Way through to Harbourfront. months ago, i promised myself never to step into this area, until many issues are solved. however, to my surprise, i didn't remember feeling so hurt anymore as his car swift past the familiar roads and places. i've learnt to put away the past. i've moved on.
at Vivo, i bumped into many friends. i received many stares from passing crowds too. i wondered if it was because of my striking pink berms that have attracted the attention. or i might have worn my clothes in a weird fashion. or perhaps i just looked attractive with my curvacious figure. *grin* or maybe, i was right next to a guy who looked seemingly similar to me - my twin brother ;)
i was on heels and my legs hurt! one thing bad about shopping malls in Singapore is that there aren't many seats available. i got bad blisters. blame it on myself - shouldn't have worn heels! it sure wasn't the right occasion to flaunt my vanity! anyway, we found a purrr-fect place to rest our feet at the top floor. it's like Esplanade. it's an open space where couples do their smooching, hee :) it overlooks Sentosa and is definitely the perfect resting corner.
we pulled out our digicam and started snapping. being in Design school has somehow influenced my perspectives. now, i pay more attention to lighting, angle, focal point and perspectives. i wished to learn more. so photography experts out there: teach me!! ;) i really wish to take it up as a personal hobby.
if not for KK, i would have missed the nicest scenary in the world...
~gracie left a note at 10:19 pm
Friday, October 06, 2006
"I Can Only Give You Lots and Lots of Love" that was what Mr Filmmaker said over the phone just now. how sweet! as his nickname suggests, he's the first one who has shown me 100% enthusiasm and passion for art-directing and film making. like Jack Neo, his life orbits around filmmaking. he lives it, he sleeps in it and he breathes it. i could never have understood so much about lighting, production work, editing and HD post-pro if not for the conversations we have had. amazing.
ever since i stepped into the Design world, i have realised that there are gems in here. i love to dig the treasures of art and long to learn more. i begin to realise my dreams in art. i like art and i like to sink myself into the oceans of fantasies, imagination and romantic ideas. and even though art may not bring big bucks, it's the passion that sustains it all. and he sums it up with, "im unable to afford materialistic wealth, but just lots and lots of love."
i'm not sure if it is accurate to say that Man shouldn't be too materialistic. that our goals and dreams shouldn't be founded upon profitability and prosperity. his inspiring conversation led me to understand how directions in life motivate one to push beyond the boundaries. he lives in his world of film making. even though it doesn't earn him big bucks, it has given him high accreditions and recognition. his films have won various prestigious awards. he's now looking at showcasing his works at international film fes. power. despite not having the good wealth in materialistic terms, he's earned a good wealth of knowledge, exposure and experience.
i wondered why, but i enjoyed talking to you -KT, really. i felt that i could be myself and even though it was a business call, i have learnt so much from you in the most personal way. thanks for the jokes, the sharing and everything! you've made me smiled. i've grown up again today! ;)
~gracie left a note at 11:06 pm
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Marketing Concepts
You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up and say, "I am very rich. Marry me!" That's Direct Marketing.
You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says, "He's very rich. Marry him." That's Advertising.
You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number. The next day you call her and say, "Hi, i'm very rich. Marry me." That's Telemarketing.
You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl. You get up and straighten your tie, you walk up to her and pour her a drink, offer her a ride and then say, "By the way, I'm very rich. Will you marry me?" That's Public Relations.
You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says, "You are very rich." That's Brand Recognition.
You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, "I'm rich. Marry me." She gives you a nice hard tight slap on your face. That's Customer Feedback!
I learnt a lot about marketing after reading this! ;) super funny. i'm not sure if you are tickled by the above article, but it has certainly brought me lots of laughters. Above abstract taken from October Series: Career Central.
~gracie left a note at 11:15 pm
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
What does your handwriting says about you?
Find out at My results: You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry. You are a person who thinks before acting, intelligent and thorough. You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present. You are not very reserved, impatient, self-confident and fond of action. You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.
How accurate is this? Not sure *shrug*
~gracie left a note at 5:29 pm
Transformed "You've changed!" -a frequent comment i got much recently from guyfriends whom i haven't met for ages. Surprised, i asked them more about what made them raise such a comment. They unanimously responded, "You're just like the ugly duckling who has turned into a swan. You must have dozens after you." I read it as a compliment.
We have been friends for a long time. 10years. These guys witnessed the tremendous transformation of geeky innocent looking gracie from a trend follower teenager to the current me. They used to regard me as a 'xiao-meimei'. Perhaps the 5-year gap was far too wide then. There seemed to be an age-gap and maturity difference.
10 years after, gracie has grown. That speaks a lot about the transformation. Yes, i must admit that i've grown up. What may seem to take priority 10 years ago is now no longer important. My ideals for a fulfilling life have surprisingly changed over time. I didn't realised this until much recently when i met my high school crush. I remembered how I used to be so crazy over this guy 10 years ago. 10 years have gone by. Today, i wondered why i ever had those crazy moments?!
My mum was right. The working environment, the challenges in life, moving overseas for 3 years have been transformation factors. We changed in the way we make decisions, see the world and value our priorities. My career path journey is still in the making. My goals for a fulfilling life are still unreachable. Are more changes awaiting for me? Perhaps. While i continue in my journey in exploring my niches, my values, my directions - i hope to find a lighthouse somewhere, sometime soon.
~gracie left a note at 3:51 pm
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
work stress versus fulfilment stress enveloped my soul as i frantically typed my meeting minutes into the wee-hours of midnight. i became quite disappointed with myself when i wasn't able to meet the 6pm Monday deadline. i postponed my own deadline till 12 midnight. I was still typing away at 2am. sigh. i wondered what took me so long.
perhaps it was my first minutes i had to submit to the Board. what added on to the pressure was when DD said, "The style of writing should be factual, detail without the verbosity." verbosity - my first encounter with such a profound word. everything's got its first time. and we often move around more cautiously on our first times, because we don't know the grounds we are treading upon. overwhelming. you either die at the wrath of the vettor's hands or you get praised for your enormous good work and effort. my past traumas revisted my mind. it overtook my motivations to do my best. anyway, i overcame my fears by just taking the first step beyond what i thought i could give.
finally the minutes was up at 2am. phew~ all done. went to office this morning with panda eyes. i felt tired. what made my day was a little encouraging note i received from DD on my minutes. perhaps it's the little steps and the 'forgiving' spirit in others that have motivated me to accept my errors and to move on.
when the minutes of meeting was approved without major revamps to the Board, i felt a great relief. it felt so familiar - just like how i felt when i knew i got a High Distinction for an assignment which i put in all my might and spirit. the sense of achievement felt good. when i left office today, it felt as if i have just finished my exams and it was time to enjoy and relax.
it's been a long time since i felt that way.
~gracie left a note at 10:26 pm
Opportunities i believe in grasping opportunities. i have never believed so much of it until much recently.
all along, i have always let things go its most natural way. i never want to interfere with the natural forces. Economics has taught me well all these years. i have always adhered to Adam Smith's theory that all things will fall in place. just as supply will create its own demand, opportunities will jump at me when i am ready for them. however, reality forbids certainty. there's never an assurance that a good opportunity is going to knock on the door many times. once you let it slip off your hands, you might never meet it again.
i've been somewhat creating new opportunities for myself to learn, to admit errors and to move on with new life. perhaps it takes mutual understanding to create sparks. here, i mean sparks of communication, partnership and collaboration. i've been seeking for avenues to develop myself, and i'm glad i have found it!
i'm frankly not sure what today's conversation with him will lead me to. however, i'm just glad to have met him today. our meeting was not by coincidence; it was on deliberate intention. perhaps i was praying for a golden excuse, but things worked out in the most natural way, i think. it's been 2 years since i last chatted with him. today, i felt the change. perhaps we have moved along so much in our lives that when we meet, we could explore more into our past, our interests and our outlook in life. i could sense the changes from our conversation in his car. he drove me around aimlessly as we chatted about everything. i felt the unexplainable difference and comfort. i don't hope to be his guiding angel, but i did secretly hope that our conversation has given him a platform to find some courage to meet his fears :)
~gracie left a note at 1:25 am
Sunday, October 01, 2006
singapore idol crowned i wasn't at home last sunday to catch the finals of the SI Finals. i was sure that there would be a repeat telecast and i'm glad to catch it on tv 5 tonight.
frankly was disappointed that jon din clinch it. i was hoping that he would. perhaps he's got the unique aura and charisma - an idol fame. more so, he's been very gracious. he always leave the lime light to hady in due accord. that's the symbol of good will and real sportsmanship! you go jon!
preferred jon's version of this song: You Give Me Wings. the lyrics are so similar to Josh Groban's You Raise Me Up ;)
~gracie left a note at 10:01 pm
The Purpose been going for various meetings lately. i sat through mind boggling meetings where i had to take minutes of those visionaries casting their goals and directions for the education of the future. those unofficial gatherings where i met long-time friends who talked about their lives, their plans and their current business. and also those at church where ppl gather together to ask themselves what they want for our church youth ministry. and all these boils down to: what's the purpose?
perhaps all of us have consumed ourselves in this rat race of life. we find ourselves being tied down to the routines of life that we no longer ask ourselves: why? why are we doing this? it's just following a pattern of things and going through the motion. and after it all, we feel burnt out, tired and unrewarded.
been searching for a purpose in the things that i do and plan for. difficult at some occasions, because i find myself being trapped in traditions and routines and lifestyle preferences. it's no longer because i want to do it, but because it has always been a habit of doing so.
i want a change. i want to grow. i want to make a difference. i want to learn. i want to...
perhaps i'm just waiting for an opportunity. im also looking out for partners who have similar goals and passions whom i can work and share with. perhaps with a common goal and dream, there is direction and there is motivation to carry on. and i'm still searching for that purpose in my life at this moment. perhaps this takes time... _____________________________________________________________
it was LM's birthday yesterday. i can't remember when was my last time out at 1.00AM in the morning. celebrated her bday at a KTV with the rest of the guys. it wasn't so much the singing that brought me there at that hour. it's the friendship that we have had for the past 9years. long time. that speaks a lot about our age too ;) _____________________________________________________________
~gracie left a note at 2:24 pm
activities: beach-ing, swimming, camping
interests: music, history
birthday: 18 june
home sweet home: singapore