Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Consequences - 后果
if you guys are wondering what this film is about, you might wana find out at our Diploma Show to be held at TCC tomorrow? :) i'd say it's thought provoking. solemn. emotional. contradicting. it reveals a lot of real struggles experienced in Singapore. more often than not, whenever we come to a crossroad, we stop and we struggle. we worry that we make the wrong choice. and when we do make a wrong choice, we stand in the judgement hall and pay for the
consequence of any choices, decisions and actions made.
this is the first video production which has my name under credits. thanks dearie, for including me in this! :) i didn't help much actually, but i found myself learning so much through the past 2 months. now that the entire project is up, watching it for the first time last weekend left me unexplained emotions. in the stillness of the room, i recalled the various moments of the places we recce, the props we bought and the little moments we shared through video production.
as a
consequence of this film, i gota know and fall in love with 'the one'. through the little sharings, the endless conversations through the nights, we grew in friendship. i gota know much more of gracie too: who she is and what she is really looking for. in retrospect, i realise that i've grown up too. yes, there were many struggles along the way in the past. im aware of the uncertain future and unexplored pathways set in front of me. yet, i know that no matter how tough the road is, i will make it through with God and 'the one' with me.
~gracie left a note at 10:11 am
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

When we all get together - memoirs of the shang family
an imd design lecturer passed me a dating mag this am. so funny~ she smiled cheekily and said, 'this mag is meant for girls like u...not me!' browsed through the mag and this page caught my eye: when it comes to dating, should the ladies make the first move? afterall, we are in the new millennium! - Duet
should we girls turn pursuer or should we remain a prey? i feel that there's always a fear of rejection and being hurt somewhere lingering in the corners of the heart. it takes a lot of courage, a lot of boldness and a lot of strength in personality to make that big step. life's really too short to beat around the bush. one of the guys said, 'girls, if you get the opportunity, go for it! anyway, most men will be so flattered, you could say anything and get away with it.' haha, i grinned so much after reading this. i think i should start bloggin about something else, or else my readers here will complain!! sean, sorry man! :) been too involved in relationships recently. complicating. found this my only avenue to release those emos and thoughts!
on a separate note, CNY has been a great reunion for me and my cousins and good friends. im glad i'm part of this big closely-knitted shang family network. it was a heartwarming and teary experience to sit down with the 24 cousins to play games together. there was so much laughter in the house. it's an annual affair and i'm truly glad! :)
~gracie left a note at 10:16 am
Thursday, February 15, 2007

v-day specialfound out a lot of secrets on vday this year. things that i've never known before, heard some heartbreaking news and received unexpected surprises and sms-es. in all good sense, it's been memorable. truly appreciate every bit of effort from 'the one', u know who u r ;)
realised that relationships are so fragile and temporal. you may be together for 6 or 8 years, but at the end of it all, both decided that the relationship wasn't meant for both of you. how tragic! imagine those years of togetherness, emotional intimacy and understanding...all gone down the drain? emotional healing is a long and arduous process. wounds are never really healed. scars remain.
romancers would say, love isn't love until you give it all away. really? what if you give it all away and get hurt in return? perhaps love's a two way street. it's mutual and should remain mutual. how to keep love alive for two? i believe it's: spending time together. acceptance. understanding. mutuality. commitment. easier said than done? with time, secrets will be revealed. so let's wait and let time tell.
~gracie left a note at 10:29 pm
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Flowers + Chocolates + Prezzies = Lots of Lovei believe the above equation works miracles on V-day. that is especially so for girls, i'd say. girls feel loved and overwhelming sweetness when we receive the love items from the special one. guys are on the other hand, practical. their foremost concern, how much money do i need to spend in order to make her feel special? that sets the disparity between men and women.
sat down wondering such matters especially after a conversation with my girl bestie. she's terribly disappointed that her bf isn't doing much for her on their first V-day. to a girl, the equation below feels demoralising and superbly upsetting:
No Flowers + No prezzies + No restaurant bookings = No Loveim beginning to understand the agonising pain that guys have to go through when V-day comes along. the more we girls insist on feeling loved on V-day, the more these guys panick. what do most couples end up doing every year? movies. dinner. flowers. chocolates. it's consumerism. it's using materialistic ways to win a girl's heart.
why should love be expressed in materialistic ways? why can't it be as simple as staring into each other's eyes? why should you feel un-loved when you are spending a special day with your special one? furthermore, if he's the special one, you don't need a special day to express your love for each other.
tomorrow's the day. i hope everyone finds love in the most special way. cherish.
~gracie left a note at 9:55 am
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Spring-Cleaningmum's been nagging. yes. CNY is coming. many visitors expected. but my room's still messy. how messy can gracie get? erhem, you've gota find out. ha. as i was going around the corners of my room, i found memories. books, letters, old photographs...i've been reminiscent these days as i realised that i've somehow grown and changed over the past one year. i'm glad that i've found myself again.
there were times when i wished i could go back to those moments. moments of exhilaration, great surprises and sweetness. but, why reminisce when we can look forward? why sigh and regret, when we can move on? and yes indeed, i've learnt that memories are for keeps, but life still goes on.
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i've recently uploaded the new picture for the header. chanced upon it while i was looking through my krabi online photo album. superbly awesome picture. so impressed with myself! ha. well, i think it's quite an artsy shot!! :)
~gracie left a note at 5:49 pm
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Adapted this from dan's blog. so funny! this is the 2nd thing that made me smile today. enjoy.
~gracie left a note at 9:39 am
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
the heart's matterone of the most amazing creatures in the world is the hummingbird. this tiny bird, found only in North America, has a heart as small as the point of a pencil. this heart beats ten times every second and sustains the hummingbird for flights up to 500miles, nonstop.the biggest heart in the world is found in the blue whale. its heart weighs seven tons and is as big as a room. a child chould stand upright in this room, which has four chambers, separated by valves that are like swinging doors.- tym bulletinhow intricate and big is your heart?
a heart full of love, compassion and giving?
i hope so.
~gracie left a note at 9:19 am
Saturday, February 03, 2007
by hand or by post?i used to love making and writing long letters and cards. i pen down my sincere greetings and wishes. i share my life. i encourage the other. i appreciate a friend. if you're my friend, you've probably received at least a card from me.
some of my letters send my besties to tears. some of my cards reveal sincerest thoughts for someone. and my longest letters were flown all the way to the US. it's been a joy expressing my thoughts with my pen. and it's even more rewarding when you know that your encouraging words have brightened someone else's life. you send rainbows to the grey patches of one's life! and you lit warmth in someone's heart! and you brought sunshine to life's darkest moments.
guess all such passion fade off over the years. perhaps all the writings have been translated to blogging and emailing and ecard-ing and smsing? we love convenience. we want things instant. we dont want to waste time sitting down, writing all those nice-nice words, decorating the card and pasting the stamp and walking to the nearest postbox to send off the card. such a hassel. would that really make a difference? to receive something by post or hand? if given a choice, which do you prefer?
if you've been overseas, you'd know how heartwarming it feels to receive a big bouquet of sunflowers from the delivery boy at your house door or a simple card flown in all the way from singapore that says, 'i miss you'. it's always sweet to be on the receiving end :) perhaps it's the surprise element that makes everything sweet. and that only applies to overseas. when you're already in singapore, and if you're meeting your friend, would you still send the card?
it may be a hassel on the sender's part. but if you know that your card will do a great deal in brightening someone's life, then why not? and yeah, i know...v-day's coming! take this opp to appreciate your friends! it's not only a couples-day okie?! (a singles' protest)
~gracie left a note at 11:27 pm
farewellwherever you gowhatever you dowe will be right here waiting for youwhatever it takesor how our heart breakswe will be right here waiting for you- tym it's sobbing time. linus' leaving. the great pianist gone. this musically talented boy is leaving for aussieland to do IT. how are we going to live without him? yes, we can!
in fact, we all had a celebration. yay, he's leaving. ha. i laughed so hard when they started singing this song to him. it's as if he's gona be gone forever. and linus gestured: 'i feel superbly cold. grr..' hahaha.
~gracie left a note at 11:06 pm