Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Love At First Sighti was just browsing and i noticed rainie yang's front page question, 'what do you first notice about your potential partner?' especially when you meet new people, what is ever the first thing that attracts you to them? are there any specific features and qualities in a person that make you feel that they could be your missing half?
i feel that it has everything to do with
connection. you may be attracted to someone's looks, built, smiles or even charisma. but when you sit down and can't hold a simple conversation with him, then it remains as just an innocent crush. and even if you do sit down and chat, if you aren't comfortable being yourself, then he's very much like a
desired item you see in a boutique which doesn't suit you at all. the best match is someone who has charisma for real and he makes me feel accepted and understood.
connection is a jumbled mixture of chemistry, charisma and affinity. you'll simply know it's there when you hang out with the one long enough. and when you're connected, you are simply hooked on wanting to spend more time together. and it also means that you're really comfortable being connected with him. you don't mind looking silly. you can say the most bazaar things and you know he'll accept the way you are. and i reckon, when you can fart, burp and snore loudly without feeling embarrassed in front of him, congrats! you've attained the highest level of comfortability and connection! :)
of cos, everything becomes perfect when the one that comes along becomes not only your companion, but a
soul mate. to me, he's definitely someone whom i feel extremely comfortable to sit down to watch the stars and sunrise with. and if i don't mind the occasional love bites from the mozzies just to be with you, you GOT me! :) that has always been gracie's deciding benchmark i set for the perfect one all my life. i have always desired to find someone who loves the milky way, the orion and the sun just as much as i do.
btw, i have
already found my companion. Oops, i mean
soul mate :)
~gracie left a note at 1:46 pm
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Big Hoo-Hanow, the whole world knows about adr and gracie. it was
big news yesterday after graduation. it seemed like we were put on spotlight, as imd lecturers began to notice my special presence around their star graduand.
sh/imd came around and said with a smirk, 'i've been waiting for this day for the longest time. he's finally not my student and i can tease both of you now!' he continued to make fun of my silly wide smiles and dazey facial expressions i had on stage as adr received his awards and medal. he told the girls in general office that i don't need any special attention as i'm truly
blessed to have adr in my life. sh/imd said adr's name with great emphasis and amplification in every single sentence. he was just enjoying the moment, as he saw how tomato red my face was. i was honestly caught by surprise, as i least expected him to do so yesterday. i knew that he found out about the news months ago, but he never once teased me. super embarrassing!
later in the evening, adr told me that he wasn't spared by sh/imd's teasing-torment as well. he got it just as bad as i did. but the fact is clear: sh/imd will continually tease me, since i'll still be in school. true enough. he came around this am and teased me AGAIN. i tried my best to avoid him, but... :)
sh/imd: 'you should make a badge for adr that says:
signed, sealed, delivered, im yours.'
me: 'i'd love to give it to adr if you make it for me.'
he shuddered.
after 5 secs of shuddering and 'puking',
he said, 'i'm already feeling my chee cheong fun breakfast coming out!'
sometimes, you just need to be a little more thick skinned to survive the teases :)
~gracie left a note at 9:44 am
Monday, May 21, 2007
Graduation 2007today’s special. even though i’m not the one graduating or receiving any awards, it sure is special when you know that your loved one is :) you know how normally if you were to attend any graduation ceremony, you'd be seated far away from the stage. and all through the ceremony, you'd be just waiting for the moment when the one goes on stage. this time, what makes it more interesting is, i get to see the faces of each graduand up close as they receive their awards. since for the first time, i'll be at the prize giving table. *woo, exciting.
i feel that i've walked the last mile with this graduating cohort. i saw how they pushed themselves through the last final lap, went through sleepless nights and rushed to the general office to submit their final year projects. i joined them for their bbq and their paintball session last weekend. they are a bunch of fun loving people whom i'll miss. as i look back, i remember the past few months of major hype - diploma show, best of show, and now - graduation. i feel so much part of the group and share with them, their success and achievement.
graduation ceremony calls for celebration. it celebrates the achievements through the 3 years of acad life. yet, it's also a conclusion of a chapter in life and a beginning of a new one. it's another step into new life, new beginning and changes. i remembered that it was both a teary and happy moment of my life when i had my own graduation at monash. teary - because it was a time to say goodbye: goodbye to my aus friends, to australia and to every great moment cherished. happy - because i finally graduated! no more exams, no more thesis writing and no more projects!
now that i'm working in school, i feel so much part of school life. i love to be around to see the growth of the students. you see them come in as first years and eventually, send them off into the real world with a graduation ceremony. what a joy! that's the reason what's keeping me here in school. i love to see the growth! and i feel so privileged! it's experiencing the kinda fulfilment in being part of their maturity process and a great achievementthat makes everything worthwhile. school life, i'm lovin' it!
~gracie left a note at 10:37 am
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Paintball or 'Pain-ball'?
if you know gracie enuf, you will know fully well she's scary cat when it comes to pain :) when adr asked if i wana join the rest of the imd and vsc guys in the paintball game, my first question, 'is it gonna be painful?' i heard horror stories of how some had really bad bruises and had their jeans cut by the high speed paintballs. so, in order to avoid pain, gracie gently refused the offer.
even though i wasn't going to play, i found myself looking forward to saturday night game all through the week. i knew it was going to be great watching those 11 guys and syl thrash each other :) perhaps it adds on to the thrill and fun when you know that these guys are so spontaneous, so fun loving and farnie bunch of people.
true enough. i had alot of fun just watching how they fire their paintballs at each other. those teams who went in without tactics got thrashed by the opposing teams. some teams went in with tactics and brought their ammo boxes back within seconds into the game! at the end of the game, after the paintball vests and masks were returned, i saw how everyone had their share of bruises.
im glad that i chose to remain a spectator of the game :)
~gracie left a note at 4:52 pm
Thursday, May 17, 2007

boy meets girl
some would agree that the process of falling in love is the sweetest moment to remember. especially when there is unspoken chemistry between one boy and one girl. the constant bashful grins and eye contact exchanges. sparks develop and somehow you find yourself sink deeper into a deep hole which you can't seem to pull yourself out from. as the significant other grows in importance in your life, you find yourself fall in 'love-sickness'. perhaps it's just an innocent way of looking at how long lasting relationships and love means.
today, i gota find out that my 13 year old cousin has just started dating. as i view her profile pictures, i recalled how i used to innocently view bgr i was her age. dreamy as i was, i've held on to the believe that falling in love is the most romantic thing that remains the sweetest memory. yet, over the years, i've grown to understand what true love really is about. i shouldn't say i've known or learnt it all, but i'd just say, life experiences have tainted my gullible views. i realised that building a long lasting relationship isn't as easy as abc. it's not just about the 'i love u, u love me' element. it is finding companionship, being yourself, mutual understanding, trust and commitment. challenging. despite placing all your efforts, these elements may not be reciprocated in a relationship.
this brings me to the analogy my JC Economics tutor used to tell us: love is like blazing fire. it can either burn you or warm you up. you choose today whether you wana play with fire. you can choose to believe that love can bring warmth and give in you heart OR to keep all you have to yourself for fear of getting burnt or hurt again. every choice has a consequence. i'd take the former and live life with no regrets.
~gracie left a note at 10:28 pm
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
if life is an ipod shuffle, i wana...Skip the unexciting.. Relisten to the unforgetable..Pause the sweet..Play the best hits..----------------------------------{-@
bus journeys to school every morning has always been a dread. crowded. long journey. slow traffic. all these contribute to my lethargic facial expression -_- ever since the ipod shuffle is introduced into my life, my mornings have become better. music really helps in daydreaming :)
i was just wondering, it would be quite nice if life is controlled by buttons on an ipod shuffle. there are pretty moments in my life which i love to keep and reminsce. there are also shitty times which i never wana remember. there are times when i just wana pause the moment for a lifetime, because it's just unforgetable.
the unfortunate reality in life is, time and tide waits for no man. it continually ticks on, no matter what in the world happens. the sun continues to rise from the east and sets on the west. whether you are feeling great or lousy, you can never pause, fast forward or rewind the moments. much of a regret sometimes, it never returns back to what was before.
with every new moment and new morning, let's make it a fresh beginning. to remember the moments of today, to appreciate the people we see and be always listening to the greatest hits. bad moments may come our way; but we can still sing with joy.
~gracie left a note at 9:44 am
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
bird-day gifti wonder if you have ever felt this way? you have known this person for a lifetime and you seriously realise that you are left with no ideas for his bird-day gift. you look at the calendar and panick: ""
i must say it gets more challenging as the years run by. every year, you try to do something new. and with every new idea gone each year, you're just left with the boring 'happy birthday to you'.
i'm referring here to my brother's birthday. he's turning er-hemz* a year older this weekend and i've yet to think of a brilliant idea to greet him. i hope he doesn't read this. maybe over the years, like i've mentioned earlier, it becomes a brain-nut cracker for me.
perhaps we've grown so used to each other, that we never really found a need to buy each other a 'bird-day gift'. that goes with best friends too. as the years of friendship pile up, we are soon left with the mundane ideas of having dinner treats, worst still, photo frames and cups and cards. maybe all these show how close the relationship has become, and how much we have taken for granted the presence of each other in our lives.
birthdays to me, are special days for loved ones to show appreciation. they are special 24hours dedicated to you, just to remember not to take every minute of your life for granted. God has blessed you, guided you and taken care of you for the past 525 600 minutes (1 year) of your life. it is time to reflect, be grateful and move along with that positive hopefulness of a better tomorrow and year ahead.
should i not be able to say 'happy birthday' in person to you, let it be through words over here :)
~gracie left a note at 12:03 pm
Monday, May 14, 2007
Fly..Fly..FLYi was just chatting with lm about F1 races over msn when she told me about world's tallest ferris wheel in singapore, opening next feb 14. wow. sucha good day to start the wheel going. just as i was telling her about how 'lo-mantic' it would be to be up on the wheel on v-day, to my horror, she told me that the tics are sold out! gosh. that's shockingly FAST!
true enough, the idea of pledging 'i love u' up in the skies is advertised. gone with the idea of having champagne and dinner up on the cable car, now's the ferry's wheel. but the romantic idea does come with an extravagant high cost too!
"Don't repeat tired roses-and-bears gifts for Valentine's Day. How about romancing your partner in the sky with canapés and champagne instead? Book a capsule for Valentine's Day, your wedding or solemnisation. You can even renew your vows from on high. Our flight planners will be pleased to help you with your special moment. Click here to pre-book now!"
do you see this as a marketing trap or really an innovative romantic date idea? i believe when the ad was first published, many couples have rushed to make their reservations. but really, is there a simpler way to say 'i love u'? or do you really need gimmicks to feel loved? is love really about having the right atmosphere, right words and the right dream guy?
Something to think about...
~gracie left a note at 10:12 am
Friday, May 11, 2007
Original Cover Picture: Andrew Chuang; Uploaded by gracie (C) 2007
Songs We Love
We would like to thank you for purchasing this CD and contributing financially to assist in Youth Camp 2004 The Path of Life. We hope this CD will provide you with many great hours of enjoyable listening and uplift your heart to God.
Masdac Youth
thanks to diane's persistent request for this cd recently. started looking through my old cds collection and as usual, reminsce and savour the short sweet melbourne moments. Songs We Love is a compilation of both instrumental and vocals of masdac youth. each song, lyric and tune has a story behind. and as i listened to the songs, i was on a time machine. i travelled back to those times when we did crazy things and sat around to sing, strum and play :)
I sat down watching Path of Life cd the other night. Path of Life was the theme for the last camp i attended with those crazy people. the video 'admittedly dodgy' (phrase by bp) was done by bp and james. the funniest things we did in camp were compiled in this cd - the beach relay, the spontaneous night games we played and the songs we sang in aussie slang. i missed slanging too ;)
i must say i've never regretted taking that big step to go overseas. it was an amazing 3 years, even though there were periods of ups and downs. for those who are considering an overseas education, i strongly urge that you take that big step. big turning point in life, definitely. if u geta meet great friends, they become your lifetime buddies. gracie has always dreamt and wished to return to moomoo-land. for a visit someday...and to catch up with those crazy people! :) australia is a land of memories, friendship and warmth. and to those down there!! i miss y' all!!!!!
~gracie left a note at 10:31 am
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dried Fruits and Nuts On Sale
talking about healthy living, this is one way: start eating right. i've been telling myself that lately. i haven't been eating right, drinking enuf or resting right. school's selling these for fund raising to help needy students through poly education. i have been tasked to do research on the benefits of eating fruits and nuts! and man, i learnt so much! and yeah, on sale items: dried cranberries, dried longans, turkish figs, cherry tomatoes, turkish apricots, dried mangoes (yum!), roasted walnuts, cashew nuts and hearty mix. let me know ur orders if u r interested! while stocks last...closing on 18 May 07. man. this has become an advertising entry.
~gracie left a note at 5:29 pm
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
I Need the Air Conthe time on my clock reads 11.21pm. 28 degrees celcius. MAN! it's super duper HOT! it means a lot when sahara girl here complains okay! i've been 'tahan-ing' the heat for the past few days, refusing to admit that it is hot. but the heat is killing me! can't seem to sleep well for the past few nights. the culprit? i think you would know by now. so, i've decided to scramble for my air con controller. now, i've got the aircon and fan blowing at me. satisfied~ :)
~gracie left a note at 11:21 pm
Sunday, May 06, 2007

Sun Yan Zi 孙燕姿 - Ni Guang 逆光
im listening to stefanie sun's newest cd, Against the light. it touches on the themes of a never ending source of energy, a strength to believe and to continue to walk the unknown journey through life. i cant help but feel encouraged as i watched her mtv on youtube:
~gracie left a note at 10:14 pm
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Pub holis..
are bonus hours [on top of weekends] to catch up on my sleep. my eye backs are coming back, according to doctor adr :) anyway, it is always a luxury not to worry about running late to work! it's labour day - rest from labour! after this rest, the next pub holi will be...sobz! August!
well to think that we are almost halfway through 2007 scares me quite a bit! you mean it's already May!! i know that May is gona fly past pretty quickly, looking at the number of upcoming big events. and very soon, it's June 18!! *grin. oh well, time flies. i really wonder if i've been sleeping my time off or that i've accomplished anything since the start of the year. hmm. ponders.
popped by at my uncle's place for a housewarming party. when i first got there, everything reminded me of my grandparent's place. the corridors, the lift... brings back truckloads of memories of the past. while i was totally lost in my reminscent past, i blurted to my uncle, 'this place really reminds me of 嬷 嬷 家 [grandma's place].' abrupt silence. since grandparent's passing, no one talked about them. oops. seconds later, uncle cracked a joke about how interesting it was for my 14 uncles and aunties to squeeze in sucha small flat in the past. he started to relate some funny incidences which really caught me grinning :)
you know how news spread like wild fire! everybody's been asking me about adr. perhaps it is a family thing. they have been urging me to introduce adr to them, but i figured out that it might take a lot of courage to meet my extended family. super huge. aunty said, 'it would be a baptism by fire kinda experience.' wow. strong words used there, but i'd totally agree. it is just scary to meet so many people and have them to look at you in scrutiny! cold sweat*
sometimes, family gatherings are stressful events on calendar. when we were younger, going to such gatherings means opportunities for parents to sit down and gossip from: "my child is so naughty!" to "my child went to EM1!" to "what is your PSLE score?" to "is she going Poly or JC?" to "which uni are you posted to?" to "where are you working?" and now..."are you dating?" the next question i fear most and i see it coming: "when are you getting married?" and sooner, "when are you expecting?" and the cycle repeats. perhaps it's in the Asian culture to compare such things. mind boggling questions which are mindless gossip themes for aunties to talk about at majong tables and gatherings.
~gracie left a note at 1:45 pm