Saturday, December 29, 2007
pic above: at eiffel tower, paris on 25 dec 07it's a childhood dream come true. romance is seen everywhere in paris - streets, buildings, along the seine river, the arty farty sculptures n paintings in museums, the french pastries... i wished it was honeymoon, hurhur - but it wasn't! :p we had fun.
we travelled paris mostly on foot - meaning, it was just walking and walking and more walking. we didn't really take the trains, which was something unexpected - at least for me. thankfully adr did pretty well in his geog classes in his sec school days, cos my map reading was simply quite hopeless. although it seemed like a mission impossible at first to walk from our hotels to Eiffel Tower - to Arc de Triomph - down the Seine River - to the Lourve Museum - to Notre Dame, completing the journey of about 20km there and back all in the same day :)
i think my greatest fulfilment from my paris trip was to take the lift all the way up to the top of Eiffel. the view was just amazing, but the queue was crazily long. we waited for an hour to take the lift up, thinking that it would bring us all the way to the top. but no... that brought us to the second level, where we had to queue again to get up all the way to the top. it was freezing up there! my feet got so numbed that i had to wriggle my toes constantly. adr made me wear his big beanie, cos i didn't bring mine out that day. (hurhur, i looked superbly like miss tweetybird with that on) :p but it was worth the wait i'd say... never regretted going up there. more so, when it was christmas day on eiffel. how wonderful...
boxing day was spent at the Lourve Museum. i felt like i was soaking in the arty farty air in that huge complex of paintings, sculptures, figurines, artefacts and everything artistic. after 4hours of completing just the 1st level of the Lourve, i got tired. and yeah, i so agree that even if you were to sit and sleep in the Lourve Museum, you might need many days to finish the art appreciation lessons of each and every single art piece. of course, we saw the major ones like Mona Lisa painting and the
Diamant dit "le RĂ©gent", 140,64 carats. but the walk through seemed to remind me of all those little museum details like conservation techniques, low lighting and display styles which used to be my job forte in the past... oh well :)
montmarte was the only place we took a train up, on our way back to cdg airport. this little village has its own beauty which is different from paris central. the buildings here reminded me of Holland V in singapore... and there were little markets selling tourist-y stuff and fruits and vegetables and flowers. the tulips here bloom with serene beauty too, the reds, the pinks and the yellows. we visited the famous Sacre-Coeur cathedral, with all its intricate architecture on the exterior and displays in the interior hall. one thing about montmarte i'd remember - it's set on a hill. we climbed so many steps before reaching where we were... endless steps!!!! ah...
nonetheless, i loved my 2007 christmas :p the french cuisine, i realised, has lots of salmon and bread. the croissant was also my favourite. and those little french pastries - they were so so so sweet and sour.
asto, we thought of you when we were at paris. sorry that we can't bring those sweet pastries back for you. i would have done so if i was flying back directly from paris. anyhows, we took pics and will show you when i return. meanwhile, you've been missed too!! :p
~gracie left a note at 1:43 am
Friday, December 14, 2007
happy holidays...
here's a msg to all - merry xmas and happy holidays! everyone's clearing leave. yay. me too! :)
i've been waiting for the longest time to breathe the UK air. yes, in no time, i would be. it was only much recently after exchanging information with different people that i realise how little research i have done of those places i'd want to be going.
what's the point? we will get there somehow!~ but no... there's tonnes of things to know before taking the plane. where to stay? how to get there? what time? how much $? what to prepare? is the place closed on public holidays? are there special discounts for first sundays of the month?and yeah, loads more...if you want a happy holiday, you just have to do your research.
that's why, i've been clicking through multiple travel websites, check out the travel tips and the top 10 must see places and and loads more. as a result of those clicking sessions, i feel super excited! in fact, much more excited than i already was! :) anyway, i'll be away for a few weeks to that faraway winter wonderland. meanwhile, for those who are staying here in sg, have a good christmas and new year too.
~gracie left a note at 4:07 pm
Friday, December 07, 2007
Sick.. Sick.. Sicki can't seem to rid the flu bug! the germs is in the air. what's most frustrating is, some heros out there would sneeze into the air, whether office or mrt or enclosed space, and there i'll get it yet again! grrr. hello! can you have some basic courtesy please? stay home and rest! don't spread your germs around! i want my happy holidays!!!
i guess the weather is also getting everyone else irritable. this morning - this happened in the train going towards Jurong East - the commuters tried to squeeze in through the doors when the train doors were about to close. there was a lady who shouted at a man pretty loudly: YOU STEPPED ON ME! the man didn't apologise. and there was an embarrassing silence. another similar yelling scene took place in the bus this morning: this guy's huge harversack bag slammed right on the face of another guy when the bus suddenly stopped. the guys started yelling at each other and a huge fight broke out in the bus. there was a lady who stood right in between the two men, almost got punched on her face because of the fight. she screamed at the two men: CAN YOU PLEASE STOP IT! what a way to start this morning!
good morning? nope. wasn't good at all...
thankfully, it's friday today. weekends are near *smiles!
~gracie left a note at 2:28 pm
Sunday, December 02, 2007
i just read shimona's blog and listened to reuben's piano piece. and quite naturally, i teared as i read how she's dealing with the loss of her beloved brother. it's difficult, especially when you lose a close one when you least expect it. you wished you had more time. you wished you had told him how you felt deep inside. you wished you had shared more sweet moments together. but all came too late. and when it's taken away from you, that's when you truly feel its importance in your life - that you have actually held that special person so close so dearly to your heart.
there are uncountable 'goodbyes' in our lives. for some, temporary and some, eternal. it only becomes a regret when we don't take the opportunities we have and shelf away the important things in life. while yes, making money - career - social status may be crucial, but at the end of the road of life, what remains would be the memories, the good stuff you did that would stay in the hearts of those people you have touched. indeed, good memories stay for a long, long time.
touch a life today. it could be a simple smile :) a loving hug or a sincere 'how are you?' - make a difference in someone's life today. time's so precious. live it.
~gracie left a note at 9:12 pm
Tears are a language God understandsOften you wondered why
Tears come into your eyes
And burden seems to be much more than you can stand
But God is standing near
He sees your falling tears
Tears are a language God understands
God sees the tears of a broken hearted soul
He sees the tears and hears them when they fall
God weeps along with men
And takes him by the hand
Tears are a language God understands
When grief has left you low
It causes tears to flow
When things have not turned out
The way that you have planned
But God won't forget you
His promises are true
Tears are a language God understands
God sees the tears of a broken hearted soul
He sees the tears and hears them when they fall
God weeps along with men
And takes him by the hand
Tears are a language God understands
~gracie left a note at 9:29 am