Wednesday, February 13, 2008
i love you allvday isn't all about the significant other. friendships too.
it's harder to cherish friends, because there are just too many. everyone wishes they have got a friend to call, a friend to run to when they have zillion of things to share, a friend to go shopping with, a friend who can just pig out with, a friend to hold and assure her that everything will be alright, a friend to cheer you on when you are facing challenges.
but i guess, we all grow up. we mix all our priorities together, along with career, family and everything. we become caught up with our own lives that we forget those around. we take for granted their goodness while we struggle with fixing our own private lives. i wish i have a bigger heart to care for those around me. i wish i had more to give...
real friendships endure the test of time. despite the distance, the circumstances, the burdens, the trials and the ordeals of life, i know that those will only make friendships stronger. and since flowers bloom after a harsh winter, so do friendships.
~gracie left a note at 12:38 pm
Monday, February 11, 2008
lost little miss sunshine is losing her blaze.
there are moments when i yearn to be alone. really alone. to find my own placing in life. to search for the real gracie once again. in the midst of bringing smiles to people around, sometimes i seem to have neglected gracie. gracie's feelings. gracie's needs. gracie's happiness. and persistently shelving gracie's feelings aside would mean burying all the gloom and unhappiness that slowly saps off her enthusiastic vigour and vitality.
i guess i'd be able to find real answers in silence and solitude. it is always a challenge to spend time alone. yet it is also the only way that forces me to reflect upon my life and think over the goods and the bads. to really spend time dealing with my emotional wellbeing. to be happy with who gracie really is. to regain that confidence and independence once again.
give me some time please? i need it badly.
~gracie left a note at 9:49 pm
love's a language..i may have written much about this. yet, i seem to re-learn or simply find new meanings every time i look at this word l.o.v.e. v-day's cupid arrow will strike this thursday. the world would be celebrating love as the most magical feeling you experience. but is love really about feeling it?
i realised that as love matures with time, the expression changes. it would be about caring for the other right from the bottom of our hearts. being a pillar of support in times of need. and most of all, giving all that is ever there within. yet, like all things, relationships aren't always mutual. as much as we willingly give, we may not abundantly receive. but love's a special thing; you just won't run out of it when you 're in it. and in this imperfect world, we help each other grow towards perfection.
i chanced upon my
cusin's bloggie and stumbled over this line,
"because family stands by us no matter what. they endure our mood swings, they understand our flaws, they accept our ugliness, our scars." i wana be your familyto stand by youto understand your flawsto accept your uglinessto embrace your scars
~gracie left a note at 1:26 pm
Sunday, February 10, 2008
CNY 08derek said it right when he told Prime Time Morning that chinese new year has always been about reunions in the shang family. and yes, it sure is. felt really good to be able to reunite with all my 30+ cuzins at the dinner table over the past 4 days, and have 'lao-yusheng' every single night. it wasn't about the eating session, even though the food was really sumptuous. it was about having a good dinner together around the dinner table with all the others who bore the same surname and share the same family bonding.
my aunts brought out the old photographs and we really had a great laughing session over our retro hairstyles and dressing we used to have in the 90s. some of my cousins weren't born yet; while there were other photos of me carrying the younger ones in my arms! i feel old now that these cousins are already in their first years in JC. and my aunts shared with us of the good old days stories of our grandparents and everything that was shang.
had a chance to meet my nieces and nephews... and play with my youngest cousins. i have always remembered them as baby toddlers. had a shock when i realised that the youngest is now in K2!!! ahhh, how time flies! but it was nice to be able to play and talk to them. the only regret that we didn't do this year, was to really take a good picture of the shang cusins. it would be nice.... maybe when someone in the family gets married soon! :)
~gracie left a note at 7:10 pm